School Center Ljubljana Mechanical and Chemical Engeneering High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
The first professional classroom in which, in 2006, the students together with the teachers made the equipment themselves.
The first professional classroom in which, in 2006, the students together with the teachers made the equipment themselves. From then on, almost every year we refurbish the next classroom. All our classrooms are beautiful because the students know how to pay attention, as they make the equipment themselves as part of practical lessons. In this classroom, students learn about technology, mechanical engineering, sawmilling, wood drying. From time to time, the classroom is transformed into a wood microscope.
English classroom, students also learn professional English here.
A classroom for Slovenian, where, if necessary, singing exercises are also held with the "synthesizer".
A classroom for Slovenian, where, if necessary, singing exercises are also held with the "synthesizer".
A classroom for mathematics, it also teaches mathematics in the field within the framework of the open curriculum.
A classroom for mathematics, it also teaches mathematics in the field within the framework of the open curriculum.
A classroom for Slovenian, which is turning into a professional classroom, and this is already indicated by the old carpentry tools above the interactive board.
A classroom for Slovenian, which is turning into a professional classroom, and this is already indicated by the old carpentry tools above the interactive board. Students learn about technology and technological processes in woodworking.
A classroom for history, geography, social studies, which is equipped with all maps, coats of arms of municipalities and historical exhibits...
A classroom for history, geography, social studies, which is equipped with all maps, coats of arms of municipalities and historical exhibits...
Professional classroom or eco classroom, where students learn everything about wood and tree species.
Professional classroom or eco classroom, where students learn everything about wood and tree species. In it, students get many ideas about the competitions that take place at the school every year.
A classroom for Slovenian where students feel at home.
English classroom, here students also learn professional English, if there is no space, professional subjects are also taught there.
English classroom, here students also learn professional English, if there is no space, professional subjects are also taught there.
A classroom for mathematics and professional mathematics, here students also prepare for the 5th matriculation subject - mathematics from the general matriculation.
A classroom for mathematics and professional mathematics, here students also prepare for the 5th matriculation subject - mathematics from the general matriculation.
Computer 1 is intended for computing in the profession, designing or computer drawing in Solidworks.
Computer 1 is intended for computing in the profession, designing or computer drawing in Solidworks.
Computer 2 is intended for constructing or computer drawing in Megatischler and Inventor.
Computer 2 is intended for constructing or computer drawing in Megatischler and Inventor. The classroom is also dedicated to the organization of production processes, sales of products, economics of production processes...
Computer 3 is intended for computer drawing and 3D printing, design in woodworking.
Computer 3 is intended for computer drawing and 3D printing, design in woodworking.
Professional classroom with the most beautiful view, in this highest classroom in sunny weather you can see all the way to the Crimea.
Professional classroom with the most beautiful view, in this highest classroom in sunny weather you can see all the way to the Crimea. The classroom is mainly dedicated to technical drawing (hand drawing), in it the students learn a lot about wood and tree species, living and building furniture.
Library visitors can find everything they need to work at school. The library is richly stocked with textbooks, books, professional and other literature.
Library visitors can find everything they need to work at school. The library is richly stocked with textbooks, books, professional and other literature. In the reading room, students can prepare for class or write homework while waiting for the transport home.
During the epidemic, the gym is alone, otherwise basketball, handball, volleyball, football...
During the epidemic, the gym is alone, but otherwise basketball, handball, volleyball, football are played in it... Currently, for known reasons, the activities take place outside the gym.
Lacquering wood allows obtaining a durable decorative and protective coating that protects the material from water, moisture, UV rays and permanent dirt.
Lacquering wood allows obtaining a durable decorative and protective coating that protects the material from water, moisture, UV rays and permanent dirt. Students learn the rules of surface treatment, such as: preparing the base, applying materials according to the manufacturer's recommendations, taking care of ecology...
In the continuation of the schooling, students use basic woodworking machines to produce various products from native tree species with a combination of wood formations...
In the continuation of the schooling, the students use basic woodworking machines to make various products from native tree species with a combination of wood formations... At the end, the students learn to program on CNC machines and make more demanding products.
The laser is suitable for laser engraving on wood and cutting wood, such as toys, decorative elements, art products, souvenirs, Christmas decorations, gifts, architectural models, etc.
The laser is suitable for laser engraving on wood and cutting wood, such as toys, decorative elements, art products, souvenirs, Christmas decorations, gifts, architectural models, etc. Students use the laser several times to decorate the final product.
Students first acquire manual skills in the hands-on workshop under the guidance of practical teachers.
Students first acquire manual skills in the hands-on workshop under the guidance of practical teachers. Using hand tools and machines, they learn to make basic ties and simple wood products.
School center Ljubljana
Woodwork High School Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Admissions Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00