School Center Ljubljana Mechanical and Chemical Engeneering High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
Lo.Polis Parent Portal - all the information in one place
Dear Parents!
We are using the Lo.Polis software to keep records of the educational work of the school. The parents' portal is also an integral part of the programme, which has been thoroughly updated in the last school year, with new content added, and can be accessed via the lopolis.si website. As a result, parents now have all the information they need in one place.
The password to access the portal is available from the school. If you have received a password in the previous years, it is still active. If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot password? option in the login box on the lopolis.si website.
Parents of 1st year students will receive their usernames and passwords at the 1st Parents' Meeting.
All parents who have a username and password can use the Lo.Polis portal to access the content for free - the Lo.Polis START package.
Content in the free access (START package):
- overview of the timetable, events and substitutions,
- checking messages and communication with your class teacher and school,
- ordering and cancelling meals.
If you wish, parents can subscribe to a paid access to the content on the portal - Lo.Polis PRO package. The Lo.Polis PRO package must be subscribed to each year. The price of access to the PRO package for the school year 21/22 is 26 EUR for one child or 42 EUR for two or more children. (Please see the description below under How do I subscribe to the PRO package?).
The paid access (PRO package) includes all the content from the START package plus:
- a journal with numerical or descriptive grades,
- announced knowledge assessments,
- absence overview,
- Homework overview and statistics,
- comments on participation in lessons and statistics on compliments and reprimands,
- review of possible educational measures,
- notification of absences, grades, participation by mail or text message.
LOGOS.SI has prepared some questions with answers that will clarify any dilemmas regarding the Lo.Polis portal and access to the PRO package.
Kranj, 20. 8. 2021
To access the portal, you need a username and password.
Parents of first-year students will receive usernames and passwords at the 1st Parents' Meeting.
You can get your username and password from the school your child attends.
Log in to the portal at lopolis.si.
The portal is a comprehensive environment where parents can see their child's records and interact with the school, and there is a charge for electronic access to school content. The portal requires development, maintenance, server space, data protection, GDPR compliance and more, which is time and resource intensive, and we have to charge for full access to the content.
You can order access to the Lo.Polis PRO package electronically via the Lo.Polis portal. First, log in to the portal with your username and password. You will then see an advertisement for the PRO package on the right-hand side. Click on it, and under PRO Package click on Order. At the same time, the portal will display a message: 'You have subscribed to the Lo.Polis PRO package. Click on this message to get the payment details for the PRO package." Once you click on the notification, the payment options (invoice, QR code, payment details) will appear. The payment deadline for the PRO package is 14 days. If you do not pay within this period, your access will be automatically disconnected.
In the PRO Pack you can see grades, predicted assessments, absences, homework, praise and reprimands, educational measures, school calendar, timetable and substitutions, and you can be informed about absences, grades and participation in lessons by email or phone. In addition, all the contents of the START package are available to you.
No, you can subscribe to the PRO package as you wish. If you do not wish to subscribe to the PRO package, you will still be able to access the START package.
The price of access to the PRO package is 26 EUR per year for one child and 42 EUR per year for two or more children.
Yes, you do. For two or more children, the price is 42 EUR per year.
Access to the Lo.Polis PRO package for two parents costs 26 EUR for each parent (2x 26 EUR per year).
If you don't want to subscribe to the PRO package, you can access the free part of the portal - the Lo.Polis START package. This package does not include grades. To view the grades, you need to subscribe to the PRO package.
In the START pack you can see messages (communication with your class teacher and school), timetable, events, substitutions and exam registration. If the school allows it, you can sign your child out of meals and have an overview of the meals taken and signed out. You can also sign your child up for extra-curricular activities, morning care and extended stays, as well as compulsory and optional subjects.
The eRedovalnica no longer exists, instead you can access the Lo.Polis PRO package, where you can see not only your grades but also absences, homework, reprimands, praise, educational measures... To order access to the PRO package, you do not need a form, you can place an electronic order on the lopolis.si portal (you need a username and password for the portal, which you can get from your school).
eMessages no longer exist. You can access the Lo.Polis PRO package on the Lo.Polis portal, where you are informed about absences, grades and participation in classes by email or phone. You do not need a form to order access to the PRO package, but you can place an electronic order on the lopolis.si portal (you will need a username and password for the portal, which you can get from your school).
For more information about Lo.Polis, please visit the website lopolis.si , where you can contact us via the online form "Contact us".
School center Ljubljana
Woodwork High School Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Admissions Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00