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School Center Ljubljana  Mechanical and Chemical Engeneering High School  Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana


Welcome to the Information Day:

Woodwork High School in Ljubljana

Wood has a tradition and a futWood has a long tradition and a bright future. Wood products will be made by those who have the skills and willingness to continuously improve their skills to compete in the market.ure. Wood products will be made by those who know how to do it and who are ready to constantly update their knowledge and thereby compete on the market.

Educational programs:

Frequently asked questions and answers:

  • What is the essential difference between a Carpenter and a Woodwork Technician?

    The Woodwork Technician programme lasts 4 years. Students complete it with the Vocational Baccalaureate, which allows them to continue their studies. During all four years, students have about 5 hours of practical training per week in school workshops. In the second and third years, they have 10 days of practical training with employers (in a company in their own local area). In the Woodworking Technician programme, students have a much broader range of vocational and theoretical subjects, with an emphasis on wood knowledge, drawing, computer-aided design, CNC programming, design, marketing. There are also many general education subjects, so the programme is suitable for students with better results in Physics, Mathematics, English, Slovenian, etc.

  • What are the options for further studies?

    After the final exam, many carpenters continue in the woodworking technician program - PTI (3 2).

  • Is there a job guarantee?

    Of course, if students do not decide to continue their studies, many of them go on to work in the Timber Industry or start working in their family businesses, or even start their own businesses, as the skills they have acquired allow them to do so. Interest in training for all woodworking professions is growing again, as is in demand. The school is also often approached by companies so we can help them to improve their woodworking skills.

  • How are practical lessons conducted?

    Practical lessons take place at school and at employers. At school, it takes place in school workshops, which are well equipped with modern technology. Students only need to bring work clothes and a tape measure, everything else is taken care of by the school.

  • How long and over what period of years does the PST (Practical Student Training) for Carpenters and Woodwork Technicians take place? With whom and what kind of contracts does the PUD student conclude?

  • When do classes start and finish? Are there early starts? Are there rotating or alternating lessons?

    Classes start at 7:30 and usually finish at 13:40. There are no pre-school hours. Practical lessons take place during the shift, as classes are divided into smaller groups. Thus, every 14 days there are one or two classes in the afternoon ( Woodwork Technicians once every 14 days, Carpenters twice every 14 days).

  • Do teachers have scheduled oral tests?

    Oral testing is arranged with the teachers, many of whom announce oral assessments. Students with statuses have adjustments according to the regulations.

  • Is it possible to borrow textbooks?

    Students are included in the Textbook fund, books can be picked up in the school library.

  • How are PE classes conducted? Where do they take place and is it during regular school hours?

    PE takes place in various locations, mostly in the School Centre's gym. It takes place during regular school hours. If it is not held in the School Centre, the last or, exceptionally, the first few hours are often reserved for PE. In any case, it is ensured that students have enough time to reach the gym at another location. At the beginning, they are of course accompanied by teachers to these locations.

  • Do students have the opportunity to use the space for independent study before and after class?

    Students can study in the library at any time.

  • What does the school offer in addition to regular lessons?

    In addition to mandatory optional content (sports days, professional excursions, cultural days), the school also organizes other activities (professional competition, chainsaw safety course, natural history tours, Megatishler course, preparations for the 5th matriculation exam, singing exercises, CPP course, first aid course, Arduino microcontroller class, Ecoschool, inclusion in the Erasmus  programme, etc.).

  • Is lunch provided at school?

    The school is obliged to offer a snack for each day of attendance at classes and other activities of the compulsory curriculum in accordance with the school calendar ("classes"). Pupils are not entitled to a snack during the part of the extra-curricular activities that they choose. The establishment shall provide pupils with a hot, vegetarian and dietary meal or snack which is more nutritional and higher in energy.

  • Can commuters be late?

    Students from remote locations can obtain the status of "commuter". Students must submit an application with a timetable, and "commuters" can be late or leave early on the basis of an approved application.

  • Do athletes have status and adjustments?

    The rules of school obligations of students who are studying in parallel or preparing for international competitions, and students who are prospective or promising or top athletes, governed by the Rulebook on Adapting School Obligations to Students in High School. All adjustments are based on these Regulations.

  • Are there dormitories near the school?

    Those who cannot travel to Ljubljana every day because of the distance can apply for a dormitory. The nearest ones are the Tabor Student Residence at Kotnikova 4, the Vič Student Residence at Gerbičeva 5l a, and the Ivan Cankar Student Residence at Poljanska cesta 26.The school cooperates with the student residences, and a teacher from the student residences can have permanent contact with the class teacher if the parents wish.

  • What about students with special needs?

    Students with special circumstances notices are subject to the requirements of the individual notices. This falls under the responsibility of the SENCO coordinator.

  • How many vacancies do you offer for each programme?

    We are announcing two departments for the wood technician program (56 places), three departments for the carpenter program (78 places), and two departments (56 places) for the wood technician program - pti.

  • Can there be a limit on enrollment?

    Until now, we have not had a limit. In the event of an increase in enrolment, we submit the relevant justification (shortage of professions) to the Ministry of Education and Culture and request an increase. In the case of Carpenters and Woodwork Technicians - VTE, we have already been successful twice in the above-mentioned way.

  • What skills do woodworking companies require?

    Education must follow the needs of the economy. For Slovenia, wood is a strategic raw material and at the same time one of its competitive advantages. Knowledge of new technologies, new materials, knowledge of CNC technologies and CNC programming is very important. Computer engineering, design, business communication, marketing... are important.

  • Why are wood and woodworking professions important?

    Wood is becoming increasingly important again as an environmentally friendly, renewable and degradable material. We will use it in traditional ways and invent new methods of use and processing. We will rely on wood as a raw material for solving environmental problems, on Slovenia's vast forest cover and on the commitment of all to get the slow-moving wheel that ensures the prosperity of Slovenia's wood processing industry moving.

  • What are the scholarship opportunities?

    Companies offer Staff Scholarships. Every year, the Slovenian Public Fund for Human Resources Development and Scholarships offers scholarships for deficit professions, including carpentry.

  • What is the school drop-out rate?

    The drop-out rate is not high. The school has different levels of educational programmes, which allow students to move between programmes during the year if there are vacancies. If someone enrols in a Woodwork Technician programme and during the year finds that this level of difficulty is too high for them, they can be transferred to a Carpenter programme if there is a vacancy. It is reasonable to transfer in the first third of the school year.

  • What is the success rate of students?

    Every year, a few students in the Carpentry programme complete the Final exam with honors (all excellent grades).

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Matic introduces the school

Why wood?

What's new?

by Majda Kanop, ravnateljica 5 February 2025
V petek, 14. februarja 2025 potekajo na vseh šolah informativni dnevi, zato na ta dan za dijake organiziramo druge dejavnosti izven šole. 1. ZAKLJUČNI LETNIKI Dijaki zaključnih letnikov se lahko udeležite informativnega dne na šoli, drugih šolah, višjih šolah ali fakultetah. 2. PUD Dijaki iz razredov 3a, 3b, 1g so na PUDu. 3. INFORMATIVNI DAN Dijaki 2a in 2b sodelujete pri izvedbi informativnega dne. 4. AKTIVNO DRŽAVLJANSTVO - obisk Hiše Evropske unije ob 11.15 V sklopu predmeta aktivno državljanstvo boste dijaki 3.C, 3.Č in 3.D obiskali Hišo Evropske unije. Dijaki se zberete ob 11.00 na Dunajski cesti 20 pred Hišo EU (blizu Gospodarskega razstavišča). Spremljevalci: 3C- Manca Kavčič, 3D - Franci Novak, 3Č - Jože Šemrov Poročilo o ogledu Hiše Evropske unije oddajte profesorici Manci Kavčič. 5. EKSKURZIJA OK- FIZ, OK - KEM 1.K in 1.L imate ogled ICJT (Izobraževalni center za jedrsko tehnologijo), ki se nahaja na naslovu Brinje 40, 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani. Zbor pred ICJT je ob 8:45. Dijaki, imate s sabo pisala, saj boste reševali delovne liste. Dobimo na Glavni avtobusni postaji (v hiši, kjer prodajajo karte) ob 8:00. Šli bomo s primestnim avtobusom (Ljubljana-Senožeti/Litija K), katerega vozni red in seznam postajališč najdete na povezavi: Spremljevalci: 1L – Ivo Koderman, Tadej Krivic 1K – Erika Potrebuješ Poročilo o ogledu IJCT oddajte profesorjema Eriki Potrebuješ oz. Tadeju Krivicu. 6. KULTURNI DAN - Cineplexx Ljubljana - Rudnik - ogled filma Tartinijev ključ ob 11.30 V Piranu se križajo poti treh otrok iz različnih socialnih sredin – domačinke Mario, Roberta iz poletne kolonije in premožne Barbare, ki je na počitnicah z očetom in njegovo partnerko. Barbara prejme napačno poslano SMS sporočilo. Ta jih, skozi niz ugank in dogodivščin, povezanih s srednjeveškimi skrivnostmi Pirana, vodi do zaklada, ki ga iščeta tudi karikirana bandita Grandemare in Jofa. Otroci se med pustolovščino zbližajo, preskočijo tudi ljubezenske iskrice. Povzeto po Vodja: Manuela Polanc Spremljevalci razredov: 1. a – Barbara Rupnik, Gregor Kranjec 1. b – Grega Štendler, Danijel Mlakar 1. c – Tatjana Novak, Barbara Terpin 1. č – Florjan Štigl, Lane Vukadinović 1. d – Manuela Polanc, Urška Wertl 2. c – Andrej Černe 2. č – Marjan Grah, Boštjan Janša 2. d – Bernarda Jernejc V petek, 14. 2. 2025 , si bomo v sklopu 2. kulturnega dne ogledali film Tartinijev ključ, katerega režiser je Vinci Vogue Anžlovar , sedaj že pokojni vsestranski slovenski ustvarjalec, ki je bil pred leti dijak Srednje lesarske šole Ljubljana. Projekcija filma se začne ob 11.30, zbor pa bo pred kino dvorano Cineplexx Rudnik ob 11.00 . Predstavniki razredov že pred kulturnim dnem zberite denar za vstopnice (posamezna vstopnica stane 4 evre ), pred projekcijo pa boste skupaj s spremljevalci kupili karte na blagajni. Vnos lastne hrane in pijače v kino dvorano je prepovedan, prav tako ne bo mogoč nakup kokic in drugih prigrizkov na blagajni Cineplexxa. Zaradi informativnih dnevov, ki potekajo 14. 2., in predvidene gneče na cestah se proti Rudniku odpravite prej, kot bi se običajno . Če se boste na Rudnik odpravili iz smeri šole, se do tja lahko odpeljete z mestnimi avtobusi (št. 3, 3B in 27), ki s postaje Križanke odpeljejo ob naslednjih terminih: · št. 3 in 3B: 10.07, 10.22 in 10.39 · št. 27: 10.16, 10.34 in 10.51 Film traja 115 minut. Dejavnost, ki jo morate opraviti v sklopu kulturnega dne, je oddaja pisne naloge, nalogo oddate pri svojem profesorju slovenščine . Navodila za oddajo pisne naloge: Filmska analiza: Tartinijev ključ Opiši okoliščine nastanka filma. – Kdo je režiser filma? Na kratko opiši režiserjevo življenje in delo. – Kdaj in kje je bil film posnet? – Kdo je avtor literarne predloge? Povzetek vsebine (krajša obnova filma). – Napiši kratek povzetek filma Tartinijev ključ, pri tem pa izpostavi lik, ki je po tvojem mnenju najbolj izstopal, in ga opiši. Tvoje argumentirano mnenje o filmu. – Kaj ti je bilo pri filmu najbolj všeč oz. kaj ti ni bilo všeč in zakaj? – Ali se ti zdi zgodba prepričljiva in zanimiva? – Ali bi film priporočil drugim? Zakaj? Kulturni dan, ogled IJCT in Hiše Evropske unije so obvezne dejavnosti. V primeru odsotnosti, boste morali dejavnost nadomestiti. Dijaki, ki ste naročeni na malico, dvignete malico pred svojo aktivnostjo (malica jih čaka v jedilnici). V kolikor malice ne želite prevzeti, se morate pravočasno odjaviti, v nasprotnem primeru se vam le-ta obračuna
by Majda Kanop, ravnateljica 4 February 2025
Spoštovani osnovnošolci, spoštovani starši! Pred vami je pomembna odločitev, kje nadaljevati svoje šolanje. Ker vam želimo to odločitev čim bolj olajšati, smo pripravili informacije, ki vam lahko pri tem pomagajo. Vabimo Vas na informativna dneva, ki bosta v petek, 14. 2. 2025 ob 9.00 in 15.00 uri in v soboto, 15. 2. 2025 ob 9.00 na Šolskem centru Ljubljana, Srednji lesarski šoli . Predstavitve bodo potekala v naslednjih učilnicah: UČILNICA št. 117, 118: lesarski tehnik (SSI) UČILNICA št. 317: lesarski tehnik (PTI) UČILNICA št. 124, 121: mizar (SPI) UČILNICA št. 315: obdelovalec lesa (NPI) V teh terminih si boste lahko ogledali šolo, izvedeli čim več o programih in poteku izobraževanja in drugih aktivnostih, ki potekajo na naši šoli. Ogledali si boste delo v šolskih delavnicah, razstavljene izdelke iz natečaja, knjižnico, … Dijaki vam bodo predstavili računalniško konstruiranje z SOLIDWORKS programom, upravljanje in izdelava programov za CNC stroje s pomočjo programa WoodWOP ter program Mega Tischler, 3D tiskanje, 3D skeniranje (učilnica 320 ). Spoznali boste EKO učilnico ter zakonitosti lesa in drevesnih vrst, … ( 312 ). Prejeli boste informativno gradivo in simbolično darilce naše šole. Prisrčno vabljeni!
by Gabrijela Dolenšek 28 January 2025
Vsako šolsko leto imamo na naši šoli natečaj, tokrat je bila tema Luks, svetilka. Naj se sveti ... Kaj porečete na končni rezultat, so dovolj inovativni?
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