School Center Ljubljana Mechanical and Chemical Engeneering High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
Maja Kanop
Bernarda Peterlin
Anja Dukaric
Tatjana Novak
Phone number: (01) 241 16 22
The teaching staff consists of 42 teachers employed at the school, with the remaining 10 teachers coming from other schools. The work of the teaching staff is led by the principal, Majda Kanop.
Arko Blaž
Avbreht Simon
Grandma Jože
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Cizelj Gorazd
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Dolenšek Gabrijela
Drnovšek Boris
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Marjan Grah
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T( 01) 24 11 622
Grum Špela
Grum Urška
Hrovat Boštjan
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Jernejc Bernarda
Kavčič Manca
Klemenc Franc
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Koderman Ivo
Mlakar Danijel
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Polanc Manuela
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Mramor Anastazija
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Novak Franc
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Novak Tatjana
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Ojsteršek Pavel
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Pagon Sebastjan
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Viktor Piršič
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Planinšič Jože
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Ojsteršek Pavel
Potrebuješ Anže
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Potrebuješ Erika
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Purkart Tomaž
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Rupnik Barbara
Office hours: Monday, 10:25-11:10
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Susman Matej
Office hours: Monday, 11:15-12:00
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Šemrov Jože
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Šmelcer Janez
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Štigl Florijan
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Terpin Barbara
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Uršič Mirko
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Virant Gregor
Office hours: call to make an appointment
M: 031 371 396
Wertl Urška
Office hours: call to make an appointment
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Černe Andrej
Office hours: call on Monday or Wednesday
T: ( 01) 24 11 622
Dvornik Barbara
Gradišar Jana
Employed at Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School
Furlan Klemen
Sepič Jana
Employed at Gimnazija Antona Aškerca
Smrdu Žnidaršič Karmen
Employed at Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School
Vukanc Anka
Employed at Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School
Zajc Luka
Employed at Gimnazija Antona Aškerca
Zajc Peter
Employed at Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School
Žen Urška
Employed at Gimnazija Antona Aškerca
Counselling service
The school counselor is Anja Dukarič.
The School Counselling Service offers help to our students, parents as well as our teachers.
It helps students with their first-year enrolment, informs and guides them in their enrolment in higher vocational and university studies. Moreover, it offers help with learning difficulties, dealing with personal problems as well as relationships.
Our counselling service offers guidance to parents in dealing with their children's issues and challenges they face while growing up into mature individuals.
She also helps teachers resolve conflict situations in the classrooms if needed, participates in discussion sessions and, if necessary, mediates in the in parent-teacher meetings.
T: 01 2411 614
By awarding scholarships, we promote the importance of education and attainment of higher education, improve the employability of young people and, and in case of tertiary education, help reduce the time taken to complete a degree. All this contributes to the social and economic development of the country and to faster independence and greater personal responsibility for young people. At the same time, scholarships help reduce the mismatch between young people's educational attainment and the demand for human resources on the labour market.
Professions in short supply ( school year 2022/ 2023)
Parent Council
The Parent Council is composed of one representative from each department, elected by the parents at the department's parent-teacher meeting.
Parent Council:
- proposes extra-standard programmes,
- gives its consent to the principal's proposal for extra-standard services,
- gives an opinion on the proposal for the kindergarten's or school's development programme and the annual work plan,
- discusses reports by the head teacher on educational issues,
- hears complaints from parents concerning educational work,
- elects representatives to the kindergarten or school council,
- performs other tasks in accordance with the law and other regulations.
School Fund
The Council of the Ljubljana School Centre, Šolski Center Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana, at its meeting on 17 February 2009, adopted a Decision on the establishment of school funds of the organisational units of the Ljubljana School Centre, Šolski Center Ljubljana.
By this decision, the Council of the Ljubljana School Centre established a School Fund for each individual organisational unit of the institution, namely:
- School Fund of Gimnazija Antona Aškerca,
- School Fund of Woodwork High School and
- School Fund of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School.
In accordance with Articles 48 and 135 of the Act on the Organisation and Financing of Education and Training - ZOFVI Official Journal of the RS, No 16/7- UPB 5 and SG No 36/2008, the following are defined in the founding decision:
- the objective of the school fund,
- the location of its activities,
- the organs and working bodies,
- the governing board,
- working committees,
- supervision of the Fund,
- purpose of fundraising,
- the secretarial and accounting work of the School Fund.
Once a year, the professional committees and the Principal of the SLŠ, Woodwork High School, shall draw up a proposal for the collection and purpose of the funds collected for the School Fund. At the first Parent Council meeting of the school year, the Parent Council decides on the adoption of the proposal and the proposed amount of voluntary contributions to the school fund. The decision of the Parent Council is binding on the school management and the School Fund Board.
In order to modernise the teaching equipment and generally improve the working conditions in the school, we propose to the Parent Council an " Extra Standard Fund ". The fund will be managed by a three-member supervisory body consisting of a parent representative, a teacher representative, a student representative and the head teacher as the governing body. The supervisory body will prepare a detailed financial report once a year on the use of the funds collected in such manner. The eventual extra-standard fund and the amount of the contributions will be defined at the first Parent Council meeting. The recommended parental contribution for the 2020/2021 school year is 2 x €16 or 1 x €16 for the NPI programme or the parents themselves will contribute any amount to the school fund.
The school counselor is Urša Seliškar.
By awarding scholarships, we encourage education and the acquisition of a higher level of education, improve the employability of young people, and in the case of tertiary education, we also contribute to shortening the period until the completion of studies. In this way, we contribute to the social and economic development of the country and the faster independence and greater personal responsibility of young people. At the same time, with scholarships, we reduce the discrepancy between the education of young people and the demand for personnel on the labor market.
The parents' council is composed in such a way that each department has one representative in it, who is elected by the parents at the department's parents' meeting.
The Council of the School Center Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana, at its meeting on February 17, 2009, adopted the Decision on the establishment of school funds of the organizational units of the School Center Ljubljana.
School center Ljubljana
Woodwork High School Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Admissions Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00